How to Play Reyna like a pro – Reyna is a formidable agent in Valorant, known for her ability to dominate 1v1 engagements and self-sustain during fights. She thrives on eliminating enemies and using their essence to heal or reposition herself in combat.
If you are an aggressive player who loves to take control of rounds, mastering Reyna will make you a valuable asset to your team.
How to Play Reyna in Valorant

In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know to play Reyna effectively, including tips, tricks, advanced strategies, and her iconic voiceline to boost your confidence.
Understanding Reyna’s Abilities
Reyna is a pure duelist with a self-sufficient kit, making her one of the best agents for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle. Her abilities are centered around killing enemies, absorbing their soul orbs, and either healing herself or becoming invulnerable.
1. Leer (C)
- Description: Reyna throws an ethereal, eye-shaped projectile that passes through walls and reduces the vision of all enemies who look at it. The affected enemies are nearsighted and must turn away from the Leer to avoid its effects.
- Best Use: Leer is an excellent tool for pushing into bomb sites or taking aggressive peeks. Unlike other flashes in Valorant, Leer goes through walls and affects enemies in all directions, making it a versatile utility for blinding multiple opponents.
2. Devour (Q)
- Description: After killing an enemy, Reyna can use Devour to consume their Soul Orb, healing herself for a short duration. If activated while using her ultimate, the healing will be automatic and continuous.
- Best Use: Devour is Reyna’s sustain ability and is critical for keeping her in the fight after securing kills. Use Devour to immediately heal yourself and be ready for the next engagement without needing to wait for a Sage heal or other support.
3. Dismiss (E)
- Description: Reyna can use Dismiss to consume an enemy’s Soul Orb and become invulnerable for a short period. While Dismissed, Reyna can move freely but cannot shoot.
- Best Use: Dismiss is your tool for repositioning after a kill. It allows you to escape dangerous situations, dodge incoming shots, or quickly move to another location. Timing and map awareness are crucial for using Dismiss effectively.
4. Empress (Ultimate – X)
- Description: Reyna enters a heightened state where she automatically heals herself after every kill. During Empress, Dismiss makes her invisible and increases her fire rate.
- Best Use: Empress turns Reyna into a solo-carrying machine. It enhances all of her abilities, making her a major threat on the battlefield. Use Empress to snowball rounds and take down multiple enemies with ease.
How to Master Reyna: Tips and Tricks
Reyna is highly dependent on securing kills to activate her abilities. If you’re not landing frags, Reyna’s value to the team diminishes significantly. Here are essential tips and tricks to help you master Reyna’s playstyle and consistently perform well in games.
1. Aggression is Key
Reyna’s kit revolves around eliminating opponents, so playing passively won’t work in your favor. You need to adopt an aggressive mindset when playing Reyna. Look for early engagements, especially in rounds where you can take 1v1 duels. However, being aggressive doesn’t mean being reckless—learn to pick your fights wisely.
- Offensive Tip: Use Leer before pushing through choke points or when entering a bomb site. It will disrupt the enemy’s ability to aim, giving you a higher chance of landing a kill.
- Defensive Tip: When playing defense, use Leer to counter enemy pushes. Time it right as they enter a site or hold down a key area to catch them off-guard.
2. Learn to Chain Kills
One of Reyna’s strengths is her ability to chain kills quickly. After each kill, you gain a Soul Orb, which can be used for healing (Devour) or repositioning (Dismiss). If you’re able to string multiple kills together, you can snowball the round in your favor.
- Tip for Chain Kills: After securing a kill, quickly evaluate whether you need to heal (Devour) or reposition (Dismiss). If you’re low on health, Devour will help you stay in the fight longer. If you’ve killed one enemy but expect more to rush you, Dismiss allows you to reposition safely.
3. Use Leer Effectively
Leer is a unique ability because it travels through walls and affects enemies from multiple angles. Unlike flashes, Leer doesn’t need line of sight, so you can blind enemies hiding behind corners or taking cover.
- Peeking Tip: Throw Leer and peek wide angles aggressively. Most enemies will be forced to turn away from the eye, giving you an easy kill.
- Crosshair Placement: While using Leer, make sure your crosshair is positioned where the enemies’ heads will be. As soon as the Leer takes effect, capitalize on their vulnerability.
4. Know When to Dismiss
One of the key differences between a good Reyna player and a great one is how they use Dismiss. Many players misuse Dismiss by spamming it after every kill, but understanding when and where to Dismiss will make you much harder to deal with.
- Use Dismiss After Outnumbered Fights: If you’re taking on multiple opponents and kill one, use Dismiss to escape or reposition. The invulnerability it offers gives you a moment to reset and plan your next move.
- Bait and Switch: You can use Dismiss to fake your retreat. After Dismissing, re-engage your opponent from an unexpected angle. They’ll often assume you’ve fully retreated and won’t expect you to reappear so quickly.
5. Empress: Go All In
Reyna’s ultimate, Empress, is designed to help you dominate rounds. During Empress, your abilities are significantly enhanced, allowing you to play even more aggressively. Since Dismiss makes you invisible and you heal automatically after kills, Empress turns Reyna into a one-person army.
- Ultimate Tip: Use Empress when you have a good chance of securing multiple kills in quick succession. Don’t be afraid to take fights that might seem risky, as the increased fire rate and healing will help you survive.
- Entry Fragging with Empress: When pushing a site, use Leer to blind defenders and then activate Empress to take them down swiftly. If you secure the first kill, you can snowball into the site and clear it out with your enhanced abilities.
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Advanced Reyna Strategies
Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can start incorporating more advanced tactics into your gameplay to make Reyna even deadlier.
1. Use Leer as a Distraction
One advanced tactic with Reyna’s Leer is to use it not just for blinding enemies but as a distraction. Even if you’re not planning to push or peek, you can throw Leer to force enemies to turn away or panic. This can give your team a better opportunity to take control of key areas.
- Example: Throw Leer towards mid or a key choke point while your team pushes another area of the map. The enemies will have to react to Leer, giving your teammates a window to advance.
2. Mind Games with Dismiss
Dismiss can be used not only to escape but also to play mind games with your enemies. After getting a kill, Dismiss can create uncertainty about your position. The enemy might expect you to back off, but you can use it to reposition aggressively.
- Reposition for the Kill: Kill an enemy and immediately Dismiss to another angle. The enemy team might assume you’ve retreated, but you can use this time to reposition and catch them off-guard from a different direction.
- Fake a Retreat: Dismiss after a kill and then quickly re-engage from a different angle. The enemy will think you’ve left and will be surprised when you reappear from another location.
3. Timing Empress for Maximum Impact
Timing Reyna’s ultimate is crucial to its effectiveness. Activating it too early in a round can lead to wasted potential, while using it too late may prevent you from fully utilizing its benefits. Consider these advanced tips for using Empress:
- Mid-Round Momentum: Empress is most effective mid-round when you’ve already taken control of an area or secured a few kills. Activate Empress to build on the momentum and continue snowballing through the rest of the round.
- Clutching with Empress: In 1vX situations, Empress can be your best friend. Its healing and invisibility make Reyna one of the best agents for clutching. Use it to take 1v1 duels in quick succession, healing after each kill and becoming harder to hit.
Best Maps for Reyna
Reyna can perform well on almost any map, but certain maps favor her playstyle more than others. Here are some of the best maps for Reyna:
- Bind: With narrow choke points and frequent 1v1 duels, Bind is perfect for Reyna’s aggressive, snowballing playstyle. Use Leer to push through Hookah or A Short and take advantage of Reyna’s ability to isolate and eliminate opponents.
- Ascent: The wide-open spaces and long sightlines on Ascent make Leer incredibly valuable for pushing sites. Reyna can also thrive in mid-control situations, using her abilities to take quick, aggressive peeks.
- Split: Reyna is especially effective on Split, where the close-quarters combat allows her to capitalize on her aggressive playstyle. Use Leer to clear corners and push through tight spaces like B Heaven and A Main.
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Common Mistakes Reyna Players Should Avoid
Reyna is one of the most satisfying agents to play, but she also comes with a high skill ceiling. Avoid these common mistakes to improve your Reyna gameplay:
1. Not Securing Kills
Reyna’s effectiveness depends on securing kills to activate her abilities. If you’re not landing frags, you won’t be able to heal or reposition. Avoid taking fights where you’re at a significant disadvantage, and prioritize aiming for the kill first.
2. Overusing Dismiss
While Dismiss is a great ability for repositioning, many players overuse it after every kill, even when it’s unnecessary. Instead, assess whether you need to reposition or if you can use Devour to stay healthy and keep fighting.
3. Relying Too Much on Empress
Reyna can still be an effective duelist without her ultimate. Don’t rely too much on Empress to carry rounds—practice your aim, crosshair placement, and decision-making outside of your ultimate to become a better overall player.
Reyna Voiceline: “They will cower!”
Reyna’s iconic voiceline, “They will cower!” embodies her confident and intimidating nature. Use this line as motivation to dominate your enemies and take control of the battlefield. Remember, Reyna is all about asserting dominance and forcing your opponents to play on your terms.
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Conclusion: Mastering Reyna in Valorant
Reyna is a high-risk, high-reward agent who thrives on aggressive play. Mastering her requires a deep understanding of her abilities, sharp aim, and the ability to chain kills together in quick succession. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can elevate your Reyna gameplay and become a force to be reckoned with in the ranks of Valorant.
Use her abilities wisely, take control of engagements, and most importantly, don’t forget to embrace her duelist nature. As Reyna would say, “The hunt begins!”